1413 · Volume There is a max volume that can't be exceeded so 30 would just increase the range the sound can be heard, but not the actual volume, experment a little with this (maybe values like 01 (2?)) and see what fits your needs Pitch You should use 0 this is the default pitch not any higher or lower Forge_User_, Apr 12, 13Add custom sounds to Minecraft, generate soundsjson file, execute with /playsound command Create your MC 116 resource pack online now! · /playsound minecraftweatherrain ambient @p ~ ~ ~ This will just play a sound for the nearest player, so the command block triggers in the area the player trips it, but the sound plays for the player, not from the command block the ~ ~ ~ instead of XYZ makes it keep playing from the players location for the player
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Playsound minecraft wikipedia